
Monday, February 8, 2010

"Earth Sheltered" or Underground building

I have been planning an underground greenhouse/chicken coop in the backyard this spring, but I am running into the hard reality that it may take up an amount of space so significant as to displace everything else I have been planning for that yard - including a cob oven and Lorena stove, more wildflowers to attract butterflies and bats, a beehive, and of course most important of all, recreational space.

In the meantime, I am still thinking of ways to make this work- even if it isn't exactly in this particular backyard- and continuing research into Underground building methods.

Several books and resources - including Mike Oehler's books which I have read carefully and some pictures of an inspiring earth sheltered house in Wales (the one above) are included on the following website:

Wofati Eco Building

Another fascinating resource for underground greenhouses can be found here:

Directory: Walipini Underground Greenhouses

I know that reading about this is easier than doing it, but what we are doing now is so difficult!

I just heard a story this morning about the Pentagon "pouring billions of dollars" into remote controlled robot armies! Seriously? We would all do much better to focus on growing vegetables.

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